WebPoll-WomanAginistViolence Please Vote Lawyers No Lawyer ABUSE OF ANYKIND IS NEVER OK...IF IT HURTS, IT IS WRONG...LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE A PAINFUL AFFAIR. We MUST as humans"STOP ALL"forms of abuse on Women and Children!! It's time to change the laws so they protect the Victims and not the Preps!! Without help Women and Children die daily mostly at the hands of people who claim they love them. STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE...DO NOT TOLERATE IT ANOTHER DAY...YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS GOING THROUGH IT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE. Anyone can become angry...that is easy.But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way; this is not easy! We are what we repeatly do". Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit--ARISTOTLE copy right © Love and protect our Children, They are our future. Please visit the folowing Links~Thank You for Caring ~:-) Need to find someone? Contact~INTERNATIONAL LOCATOR 1-800-BIG-HUGS~ Protect Kids Child Org. POLICE
No Lawyer
ABUSE OF ANYKIND IS NEVER OK...IF IT HURTS, IT IS WRONG...LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE A PAINFUL AFFAIR. We MUST as humans"STOP ALL"forms of abuse on Women and Children!! It's time to change the laws so they protect the Victims and not the Preps!! Without help Women and Children die daily mostly at the hands of people who claim they love them. STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE...DO NOT TOLERATE IT ANOTHER DAY...YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS GOING THROUGH IT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE. Anyone can become angry...that is easy.But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way; this is not easy! We are what we repeatly do". Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit--ARISTOTLE copy right ©
Love and protect our Children, They are our future. Please visit the folowing Links~Thank You for Caring ~:-) Need to find someone? Contact~INTERNATIONAL LOCATOR 1-800-BIG-HUGS~ Protect Kids Child Org. POLICE
Love and protect our Children, They are our future. Please visit the folowing Links~Thank You for Caring ~:-) Need to find someone? Contact~INTERNATIONAL LOCATOR 1-800-BIG-HUGS~
Protect Kids
Child Org.